Resources Page (Solo en Inglés)
Rental Assistance
Energy Assistance
Montana Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) - Pays part of winter energy bills for income eligible people.
Montana Weatherization Program - Helps participants to improve the heating efficiency of their home and thus reduce their energy consumption.
Energy Share of Montana - Energy Share of Montana is a private nonprofit organization. Our primary purpose is to help Montanans faced with energy emergencies meet their needs and move towards self-reliance. Since its inception in 1982 Energy Share has distributed 10.5 million dollars in energy assistance to more than 34,000 families.
Fair Housing Resources
Family Assistance
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) - TANF cash assistance is a program providing temporary financial assistance to needy families. Eligibility for TANF cash assistance is determined by evaluating specific nonfinancial and financial criteria established by federal and state regulations.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - Providing supplemental food and nutrition assistance to low income people. SNAP recipients use EBT cards, which are similar to debit cards, to purchase food in authorized retail stores and farmer's markets. SNAP offers participants nutritional information and education opportunities. The goal of the program is to help individuals and families develop skills and behaviors leading to improved nutritional well-being.
Early Childhood Services Bureau - Montana's Early Childhood Services Bureau is dedicated to helping children and families succeed by increasing the affordability, accessibility and quality of early care and education.
Adoption in Montana - Includes information for adopting and fostering in Montana, along with links to other useful resources for families.
Medicaid in Montana - To be eligible for Montana Medicaid, you must meet financial requirements that take into account your income and resources. You must be a Montana resident, and you must have proof of U.S. citizenship or alien status and identity.
Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children - The goal of the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) is to give children the best possible start in life by ensuring that they get proper nutrition both in utero and during their preschool years. The program provides nutritious foods, such as iron-fortified cereal, milk, eggs, peanut butter, and dried beans, as well as formula for mothers who choose not to breastfeed. It also provides nutrition education to improve eating behavior.
Social Security Online - Individuals can; apply for benefits, verify qualification to receive benefits, estimate future benefits, update your personal contact informaton, get a replacement card, request proof of income letter. Businesses can; report wages, verify Social Security numbers, submit records.
Addictive & Mental Disorders Division - The mission of the Addictive and Mental Disorders Division (AMDD) of the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services is to implement and improve an appropriate statewide system of prevention, treatment, care, and rehabilitation for Montanans with mental disorders or addictions to drugs or alcohol.
Elderly Resources
Senior and Long Term Care - Montana's Senior and Long Term Care Division of DPHHS administers aging services, adult protective services, and the state's two veterans' homes. It also helps to fund care for elderly and disabled Montanans who are eligible for Medicaid and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Their mission is to advocate and promote dignity and independence for older Montanans and Montanans with disabilities.
Area Agencies on Aging - Montana's Area Agencies on Aging are public or private non-profit agencies, designated by the Aging Services Bureau, to address the needs and concerns of older Montanans at the local level. This link will help you find your local Area Agency on Aging. Every Area Agency on Aging is required to have an advisory council, comprised primarily of older persons, to review and comment on all programs affecting the elderly at the community level.
Homeless Resources
Homeless Shelters in Montana
Homeless Prevention - Rapid Rehousing Funds - These funds will be used to help families or individuals that are currently housed but are at risk of becoming homeless and need temporary rent or utility assistance to prevent them from becoming homeless. These funds will also be used to help families or individuals who are experiencing homelessness and need temporary assistance to obtain and retain housing. This is a new program to be operated by the HRDC's.
Homeless Prevention - Emergency Shelter Funds - These funds will assist shelters throughout the state as identified in the present Emergency Shelter Grant. Funds could support essential services to homeless families, one-time payments for homeless prevention services, maintenance in support of existing emergency shelters and rehabilitation or conversion of buildings for homeless shelters. Funds will be distributed via the HRDC's.
Veteran Resources
Montana Veterans Affairs - Information about support and services available to Montana veterans and their families. Offices are located across the state.
Domestic Violence Shelters
Legal Resources
Other Resources
Montana Department of Health & Human Services
Senior and Long Term Care - Our mission is to advocate and promote dignity and independence for older Montanans and Montanans with disabilities by: providing information, education, and assistance; planning, developing and providing for quality long-term care services; and operating within a cost–effective service delivery system.
Housing Programs offered by the Montana Board of Housing - The Montana Housing’s purpose is to create affordable housing opportunities for Montanans whose needs are not met by the market. We accomplish this by partnering with local housing organizations across the state to leverage the federal funding that is made available to Montana.
Census and Economic Information Center - The Census and Economic Information Center (CEIC) is the state’s official home for census and economic data. CEIC provides reliable data, analysis, mapping, and other resources critical to demographic and economic assessment in the State of Montana.
NeighborWorks Montana - NeighborWorks Montana (NWMT) is an outstanding producer of attainable and sustainable homeownership, a dependable developer of housing options and a powerful proponent of housing public policy and delivery of homeownership services to rural areas. NWMT works with local service partners throughout the state to provide homebuyer education, homeownership planning, foreclosure prevention, one-to-one housing counseling, loans for down payment and closing costs, due-on-sale loans for "gap financing" and development of new owner-occupied homes.
Montana Homeownership Network - Montana Homeownership Network is a group of non-profit, governmental and private sector agencies that specialize in first-time homebuyer services and loan products. Members offer pre-purchase education and planning, so you can make the right choice in a home and a loan. The network can help you find the right house and the right lender. Assistance is available to help you purchase your home with 30-year fixed-rate mortgages, down-payment assistance and matched savings accounts. Your mortgage will be made in Montana and stay in Montana so you can easily stay in contact with your lender.
Montana Association of Community Disability Services (MACDS) - a professional organization comprised of thirty-three community-based organizations in Montana that provide residential services, employment and day activities primarily to people with developmental disabilities.
Additional Rental Search Resources
This list does not include all possible resources. If you would like to
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